Post by Motto on Aug 19, 2016 20:22:23 GMT -5
G'day'all, smoked some St Bruno in the Parker Rhodes..., with sips of Laphraoig triple wood. Bye'All.
Post by peterd-Buffalo Spirit on Aug 19, 2016 20:31:30 GMT -5
...final pipe of the day...MacBaren HH Latakia Flake in a Ben Wade blast Canadian...

Proud Member; North American Society of Pipe Collectors & National Knife Collectors Association
“Pipe smoking is not a habit…but a way of life”… PeterD

"White men made many promises but kept just one...They promised to take our land, and they did"... Red Cloud
Post by JimInks on Aug 19, 2016 20:54:33 GMT -5
Now smoking STCoP Murray’s 1862 Whitehall in a black pebble finish straight 2003 Cavicchi C. Fatto A Mano lovat and a black acrylic stem. Still listening to the Pirates-Marlins as I work on reviews.
Post by just ol ed on Aug 19, 2016 21:25:59 GMT -5
VanillaCoke at this desk, '06 Nitecap in gourd calabash in smoking room. Soon headed for the Chatzy chats.
Ed Duncan,Batavia, NY
Post by JimInks on Aug 19, 2016 21:38:33 GMT -5
Now smoking HU Scotney in a medium bend raw sienna toned early Radice sandblast egg with bamboo carving on the shank and a black acrylic stem. Have enough left for a bowl or so.
Post by JimInks on Aug 19, 2016 22:35:40 GMT -5
A couple minutes away from smoking STCoP Dobie’s Four Square Virginia in a 2014 Savinelli Gaius smooth brown slight bend black acrylic stem and ferrule 320KS author.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 0:43:48 GMT -5
Just finished smoking Stokkebye Highland Whiskey in a 2013 slight bend grain etched briar John Barrett Volcano with a walnut shank.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 0:46:36 GMT -5
Now smoking STCoP Dobie’s Four Square Cut Plug in a slight bend black sandblasted Lorenzo Elba Imperia 8636 with an amber colored acrylic stem. Took a short break to feed Suzy. Molly's snoozin' in a chair. I'm still working and listening to the Padres-Diamondbacks game on the XM.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 2:33:16 GMT -5
Now smoking St. Basil’s Rasputin in a 1982 smooth straight Sasieni Ivory 105 Apple with a black vulcanite stem. Working and listening to Bob Dylan demos.
Post by Motto on Aug 20, 2016 2:40:59 GMT -5
G'morn folk & all, had HUE Breakfast in the MM "King" corn cob, walking Pop, By'All.  
Post by Motto on Aug 20, 2016 3:53:29 GMT -5
G'day gents & all, smoking a "pig" of GH brown pigtail rum in my Saturday Briar, the Dr Plumb Dinky ( with the red spot), drinking I-coffee. By'All.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 3:56:42 GMT -5
About half way through this bowl of Sir Walter Raleigh in a medium bend 2002 MM Legend cob. This will finish my smoking day. I was playing "Catch the Swinging Rope" with Molly, when Suzy came behind her, and swatted her tail. Molly took off running, and Suzy bit into the rope and tried to take it away from me. I let her do so, and now she's sitting on the rope, looking around to make sure nobody takes it from her. Silly little cat!
Post by Motto on Aug 20, 2016 5:21:58 GMT -5
G'day, gents & all, this mornings blessings in the Royal Mail, three quality Germains blends & my morning smokes a Royal Dutch Half Corona in the Briar Doyar & still on my slow " pig " of GH brown pigtail rum in the "red spot" Dr. Plumb Dinky, it has rained & is overcast this Saturday morning, By'All. 
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Aug 20, 2016 6:01:02 GMT -5
Incredibly long week. Picked up my father's car, transfer title on it Monday, last thing out of the house. Perhaps things will begin to return to some state of normalcy. Be a tough college football season though without my father this year. Starting out the day with Penzance in an Alinok bulldog meerschaum, drinking Trader Joe's coffee.
Post by Motto on Aug 20, 2016 8:06:46 GMT -5
G'day, gents & all, this mornings blessings in the Royal Mail, three quality Germains blends & my morning smokes a Royal Dutch Half Corona in the Briar Doyar & still on my slow " pig " of GH brown pigtail rum in the "red spot" Dr. Plumb Dinky, it has rained & is overcast this Saturday morning, By'All. PS, G'day friends an'All, I am having a retreat from smoking & stuff, so I will sit quietly on the pews, & try & count the number of bowls lit on here while away So long for now folks.
Post by papipeguy on Aug 20, 2016 9:05:40 GMT -5
Condor RR in a Stanwell Golden Danish billiard.
Post by papipeguy on Aug 20, 2016 9:28:38 GMT -5
Gaslight in a RD Pipes Eskimo/bulldog.
Post by papipeguy on Aug 20, 2016 11:27:58 GMT -5
War Horse RR in a Ferndown straight apple.
Post by coalsmoke on Aug 20, 2016 12:01:50 GMT -5
Sitting in the workshop and waiting to play pack mule when my wife comes home with the groceries. Now smoking FVF in the Pete Rosslare smooth billiard, cold water on the side.
Post by papipeguy on Aug 20, 2016 12:23:36 GMT -5
GLP Temple Bar in a Mastro Beraldi straight Dublin.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 12:47:27 GMT -5
Not far from finishing this bowl of Jim's Va/Bur in a 2003 smooth medium bend Peterson Sherlock Holmes Series Baskerville with a sterling silver band and black vulcanite p-lip stem.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 13:10:22 GMT -5
Now smoking Ogden’s Walnut in a 2002 medium bend smooth Rinaldo EGEA 03 Silver line spigot 10 with a black acrylic stem. A bottle of Orange Nehi made with pure cane sugar is my drink. Watching Casablanca. I fight with Bogart at 6 EST in Key Largo on TCM.
Deleted Member
Posts: 0
Post by Deleted on Aug 20, 2016 13:24:13 GMT -5
Working on estate paper work for the legal dawg. Enjoying Hearth and Home Virginia Spice in a large Bertram Canadian, drinking a spicy Bloody Mary.
Post by Baboo on Aug 20, 2016 14:08:12 GMT -5
War Horse Bar... much the same as the WH Green, without the modestly applied floral over/under-tones, and somewhat greater in nic & strength. Wonderful and satisfying, but watch your tongue!
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 15:27:45 GMT -5
Almost finished smoking MacBaren Symphony in a very ugly reddish color 1980 medium bend Lorenzo Leganza Sigma 8635 etched rough top.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 15:36:17 GMT -5
Now smoking Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 1982 black sandblasted paneled slight bend Savinelli flat bottom sitter with a black vulcanite stem. I had no choice in the matter!
Post by papipeguy on Aug 20, 2016 15:59:17 GMT -5
GPL Regents Flake in a Mastro Beraldi square shank freehand billiard.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 16:47:32 GMT -5
Now smoking STCoP Murray’s 1862 Whitehall in a black pebble finish straight 2003 Cavicchi C. Fatto A Mano lovat and a black acrylic stem. A bottle of Mountain Dew made with pure cane sugar is my drink.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 17:39:14 GMT -5
STCoP Dobie’s Four Square English in a 2003 medium bent Ural meer with a lined and etched egg shaped bowl with a silver band and brown pearl acrylic stem.
Post by JimInks on Aug 20, 2016 19:09:20 GMT -5
Relaxing after a wonderful chicken alfredo dinner with a bowl of STCoP Murray’s 1A Linfield in a 2002 Ser Jacopo Delecta Fatta A Mano R1 sandblast Rhodesian with a smooth extension at the shank with a black acrylic stem. Ice water and bergs is my evening drink. Listening to the Pirates-Marlins game on the XM.